Sunday, June 11, 2017


Ayu setiawati (21214894)
Windi astuti (2C214273) , 3EB02

Greetings :
A : how are you?
W: I am fine, thankyou.
Interview :
1.      A : okey windi, lets we start the interview. First, I would like to know about your personality. Please introduce yourself briefly?
W : My name is Windi Astuti, I am 21th years old on this april. I have graduated from gunadarma university, Bachelor degree of Economic in Majoring of Accounting.

2.      A : Can you tell me about your family ? Have you had sibling ?
W : My parent are government employees and I have had two sibling one brother in senior high school and one sister  in junior high school.

3.      A : What position do you apply ?
W : I am apply for the finance position and brand building for the second function

4.      A : Please tell us why you choose this function?
W : I have had skill at accounting that the reason why I choose this position  and for the second function, I choose it because I have passion in marketing, specially in ecommerce platforms.

5.      A : what is your strengths?
W : I have a sociable personality and I am easy to adapt in new inviroment.

6.      A : What is your weakness?
W : I can’t manage my time perfectly

7.      A  : Have you had work experience during your lecturing ?
W : no, I haven’t had work experience but I have some internship and volunteer experience in education.

8.      A : Why should we hire you?
W : in this case I have a proactive attitude and find positive ways and engage with people.

9.      A : Have you had skills in another field?
W : I have had Familiar with vector based image (CorelDraw) and bitmap based image (Photoshop) manipulation and Microsoft products.

10.  A : Why you choose our company for your career?
W : I am interest with your company because the company have a good reputation and with friendly work  environment.

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